Voice of my soul

"Tribute-"to the memory of artist Ferenc Hock" 2023
100x150cm, Acrylic, Oil pastel on Canvas, available
On the last week, "the" picture spoke to me. I got it as a gift 20 years ago. It's hanging in the hallway in front of the living room, but it hasn't spoken to me yet. It seems that then he saw the time had come to consider it worthwhile to have a dialogue. The picture was painted by the painter Ferenc Hock, who was a member of our family who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Hungarian Republic. We haven't been in touch for a long time, I didn't know where to look for the family members who are still alive, but after persistent investigation I found them. I went to visit them in Dunabogdány, where I was able to enter the "Studio"! To the spacious, light-filled room overlooking the lush garden. Where uncle Ferenc is still a bit there (and maybe even paints). Where to this day the brushes he used, the pictures he painted are lined up, and the whole thing is permeated by some mysterious charm. Nothing happens by chance - I believe in that. The fact that I will have my first opportunity to present myself as an artist next week in Paris cannot be a coincidence, it was all as if he wanted to entrust me from above. As if to say: "I told you when you were a child that you had a talent for art, but now is the time to make your dreams come true!" I will always be grateful for the "talking" picture, because the experience gave birth to my picture "Tribute to the memory of artist Ferenc Hock", with which I wanted to tribute to Ferenc Hock. I hope he would be proud of me…
With love, Edit ❤️

"Illusion" 2023
100x100, Acrylic, Oil pastel on Canvas